Friday, June 1, 2007

This Life Really Makes Me Think ...

Playtime in Mommy's bed
When I see one of my kids looking me straight in the eye ... I am reminded of how very thankful I am for their mind, their body and their soul. I am so thankful for their strength and their ability to learn and their ability to run and to jump and to play with each other. I am reminded that even though there are times that I am tired, I am so blessed that God chose to let them be born and let them live without disabilities. I think about their future and what's in store for them in this life. I hope they grow up always loving each other and God.
Daddy gave them cheerio's in our bed!
It's hard to have three babies at one time. It's hard to take care of them and it's hard to keep up with them. They constantly have me on my toes, and what one doesn't think of .... the other one does. They are so busy, but every day keeps getting better and better with them. I can't imagine my life without these blessings! It's amazing how much my heart actually feels from this triple love I've been given.

Thank you God for what you've given me. I know I don't give thanks enough and I know I am jolted to reality when I read or hear of a sad situation with a child. Whatever it is that you have in store for us raising these kids .... I'm ready!

Be Blessed,