Saturday, June 2, 2007

Luke hates his Tux - but loves his Grandma!

It's not easy to get a two year old to try on clothes! ... and it's especially not easy to get a two year old to try on a Tux! It took talent, bribery, candy and finally just holding him down! We had to know if it fit him ... and it did. What a handsome little man you are Luke!
He ran all over the house and wanted it OFF! I bribed him with little gummi-lightening bugs that light up with these great little toy tweezers that light up the bug (candy) when you pick them up .... NO WAY! I'll take the candy thank you, but NO pictures of me today Grandma!
This is as good as it gets! I never could get a full front shot of Luke in his Tux .... ahhh well, he'll wear it again July 7th ... we'll see how good he is when he's the ring bearer in Jared and Elissa's wedding! I'm not taking any bets ...

Be Blessed,