Have I Gone Header Crazy?
The above header made it on here today for about three hours. It wasn't as if I didn't have anything else to do, except to play with headers all day, it's that I've been sick. Too sick to go to work because I have Pneumonia ... but not too sick to play. I was bored! The kids went to daycare so I could recuperate.
Marlboro Man walked in and caught me playing .... he snuck up on me like a sly cat and saw my blog header. You'd have to know the man to understand him. He's a very private person. He hates it that I post pictures of him and tell stories about him. But since he doesn't know my password, he can't stop me. He He! I tell him that "everyone" has a blog .... he doesn't buy that story, but since he's not computer savvy, he'll never know! ... and please don't anyone offer to teach the man, I like him just like he is!
Marlboro Man would never show his butt in public, and it's not frequent that he shows it in private. Therefore, he doesn't think I should show our kids' butts to the world on the Internet. Wonder what he'd think if I posted my cheeks on a new header? Think he'd laugh? Let me know, okay? I'm serious! Since I've learned PhotoShop ... you just never know what you might see! ~ (don't worry, it won't be my butt and it definitely won't be Marlboro Man's butt)
Be Blessed,