View Outside My Door
My new header is a picture I snapped this evening as I drove down the road with the kids as we were about to turn into our driveway. We get our "Cow" fix every day around here.
They come right up to the fence to see what's going on. We stop, roll down the windows and start yelling .... "COW COW COW!" The kids love the cows and I get my heartstrings jerked every single time I watch them talk to the cows. They are so animated and so excited. Every time we drive down the road and see the cows, you'd think it was the first time they ever saw a cow!
Either the cows think we're nuts or they L.O.V.E. us! Let me know if you L.O.V.E. our cows too!
It's so easy to get so wrapped up in all the big things, and forget the little things in life. So, I'm asking, tomorrow, why don't you take a few minutes out of your day and give a little thanks for all the little things in your life. Count your blessings ..... one by one.
Be Blessed everyone!