Thursday, May 24, 2007

Megan Grace

Megan Grace
I think she is beautiful! She stirs all my emotions as a Mother and I love her so much. I sometimes just can't believe she's my daughter. The word love doesn't even begin to describe how I feel about this little girl! Meg is having major separation anxiety issues when I leave her. It breaks my heart. I hear that is normal for a two and a half year old. She sure knows how to play on a Mommy's heartstrings!
Today was much better when I took her and the boys to the babysitter. She didn't become hysterical when I turned onto the highway and she didn't cry when we pulled into Jessica's driveway! She grabbed her little suitcase that we had just bought at a yard sale that we stopped at along the way. She wanted her pony's and wanted a snow cone! I think we're making progress! Which is really great, because I was ready to let her win and just take her to work with me everyday .... which of course would have entailed taking the boys as well. I suppose I could just tell my boss, "I'm sorry, but I have to bring my two year old triplets with me because Meggie cried!" I think he'd buy that ....
Be Blessed,