Our Garden
Did you notice the heading to this post? It says, "Our Garden". That would mean that it's our garden. But Marlboro Man corrects me when I say this. He says, "Excuse Me!" "Who's Garden?"
Yes, it's his garden and he planted it all by himself, and he tends to it all by himself. But he didn't pick the green beans all by himself. He had help! Three helpers and a photographer! Four of us knocking down our tomatoes, our corn, our eggplants, our peppers, and our green beans! Four of us right there with him, reaping the rewards of his hard work.Sam was really getting in on the action! He was picking the beans out of the sack and holding them up for the photographer (ME) to see. He was too busy holding onto his little blue cars to actually work. But he looks good and no one would ever know if I hadn't told you.
These aren't green beans. They're the beginning of our cucumbers. Yes, our cucumbers! I do know how to walk out to the garden and pick them and eat them all by myself. I haven't figured out yet how to hide the evidence, but I'm sure Marlboro Man will never miss a few here and there. Cucumbers are my favorite!
Here's our green beans that I cooked for dinner about 2 hours after we picked them. I ask Marlboro Man how his Mom cooked her green beans and he said, "well they didn't have more meat than beans in them." Oh well, he didn't have to eat them ... I would have! Just for that ... I'm going to eat all his tomatoes and all his corn!
Be Blessed,