Saturday, September 29, 2007

Picture Day!

We took the kiddo's to "Yellow Banks" today to do pictures for their upcoming 3rd birthday. I had a plan. Pictures of each one of them sitting in a rustic old bench on the porch of a old log cabin. It was just a dream ....Not one of the one hundred fifty shots turned out good. Every picture here is a cropped version of something bigger and NOT good.
No one would sit down! This was the position of choice! S.T.A.N.D.I.N.G!
Then Sam growled at me when I told him to smile!

Meg had to have the boots on and then jumped off the porch about a thousands times!
Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump! Do-Dah! Dee-Do! Da-Day! Jump. Jump.
Sam spotted a small lawn tractor .... and it was all over for him! Come back Sam! Oh Sammmmmmmy!

Did you say Smile Mom? No Way Jose!

I don't want to sit! I like it like this. MOMMMMM!
What is this? A Bear? A wooden Bear?
I think I'll just take a nap. Don't bother me and get that camera away from me! NOW!!!

Look Mom. Watch me climb up the side of this log cabin. Jay! Jay! Get down Jay!
Yes Jay .... it IS a wooden Bear!
NO Jay! Don't kiss the bear! It might bite!

Okay everyone .... you're all sitting together! LOOK at ME! LOOK at ME!

Smile Jay!
Down Everyone ..... You'll fall! GET DOWN EVERYONE! NOW!
Hey! Come back .... I'm not finished! Please Come back. I have suckers! Hey! Yoo-Hoo!
Come on kids! Turn around! Look at ME! One more time!

No! Don't open that door. Someone lives there! Get back everyone! NOW! Do you want to go home?
Good Kids! Come on now .... sit back down on that bench! Please? For Mommy?

Hey Sammy! Want some candy? Just look at Mommy one more time. Please???

Yay Meggie! You're doing it! Smile Baby!

Way to Go Jay! Just look at Mommy! Who you love Jay? Yeah! Mommy's boy!
Needless to say, it didn't work out today. No wonderful birthday pictures! Just cropped out bits and pieces. But we have tomorrow afternoon and then again next weekend!
as always, be blessed.