New Blog - The Dairy Wife
After reading Kara at McTriplets, I think she's come up with a great idea. So, I'm following suit. I'm going to separate my blog. I'll continue to have this one with the same address for my kiddo's. I will be changing the header to say "The FarmHouse Kids," as well. That way I can follow along in their lives and do as I'd planned to do when I started this blog almost a year ago, and three hundred post ago. I want to print it for them someday. So from now on, this address is for "kid stuff only." Of course you can always link to the new from here, or add both addresses to your sidebar.
If you want to hear about me, my life, my nonsensical funny stories, and of course Marlboro Man, you can visit me at . I'm not saying that I won't mention the kiddo's there, because I will, but my new blog is going to be more personal. I want to do more writing .... I have a whole book all welled up inside of me and I'm just itching to tell my story. In fact, I just posted there right before I came back here to tell everyone. So go read it, and leave a comment.
So I think over the next few days, I'm going to start moving things to my new digs. You'll see lots of changes while I'm reconstructing ... but I promise, I won't be deleting anything. Just getting it all in order, so it will load faster and be more organized.
Please bookmark both blogs and make sure to visit us frequently. We love company!
Be Blessed.