Gonna Ride a Cow!
As always, yesterday evening we ran by the farm to visit the cows and their babies. We have a special few that my boys ride every chance they get, and yesterday was no exception.
It's pretty awesome to watch your little bitty four year babies ride a bucking calf. It kinda makes your heart stick in your throat, and kind of makes you a little bit sick at your stomach. Of course, they love it. There is nothing like a bucking heifer in a small pen that doesn't want you on its back.
When I was growing up, I had never heard of riding a cow. I thought you only rode horses ... but then again, I'd never lived on a cow farm, and I'd never even seen a cow up close. I led a sheltered life I guess. Then I moved here and found out what all I had missed in my life.
There is nothing in the world like walking through a muddy barn lot after a fresh rain. Nothing like slopping through the run off of cow manure in your new boots! Nope nothing like it ... just ask my boys!
I think I'll just vest my money in Rural King until these little guys grow up and pay their own way. Four pairs of boots = $175.00. Two happy little boys = Priceless!